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Links to Associations

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National Association of water Int boaters? inland

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The Port of Jaux Boating Association

It is a fine? team passionn? s boats and ballads on the calm water of the River? res and canals...
Association sans but lucrative cr?(e) in 2000, which took its speed of croisi? re in 2001, with the objective to know? tre the friendly world of the river and the pleasure to make ballads on the water!
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BOBATO association

In addition to the exp? Playful experimentation, our workshops offer a v? true multidisciplinary working over water.
Science and technology, history G? geography,? civic education, Litt? temperature, Fine Arts... The first concepts? es are many and vari? es. They raise the int? r? t those who SUP? client to learn in fun.
In the heart of the device, you d? will cover among others by the exp? connection,? through a v? real d? scientific walk, the related basics? the water.
You will also learn that fresh water is not available in quantity? gale, anywhere in the world, and will be sensibilis? s actions? most. You will thus take conscience that the water represented? presents a well rare, fragile and vital you prot? ger and share.

The boatmen of the Cher

Today, the Navy of Loire is in vogue if it is determined by these acharn? s trying to share their passion through mus? es, f? and construction? the identical. Through the banks of the river and its tributaries, there are more the number of associations which are constitutional? to revive these traditional boats barges, futreaux, all caban? and can? tre m? me of an inexplosible...

Association europ? European research and development of the River culture

D? share a conclusion: since a few? es, fresh water in g? n? ral, and streams in particular are SUP? hend? s of a mani? new re both socially that? economically and politically.? and welfare? t a core group formed
D? s the ann? es eighty, lass? of their isolation, and random chance encounters, few people take the habit
(d)?change of mani? informal re. More contacts? rieux are taken at the first (and only) Symposium fran? ais devoted? maritime and fluvial heritage. In 1992. an embryo of? team form? Nantes. This initial group is? toffe gradually and in 1995 d? decides to take the step in cr? ant association.
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Association for R? opening of the Canal de Berry


Promote r? opening of the Canal de Berry in his globalit?, in? both the interface between the institutions and the public.

Contribute? f? d? rer all the will? s River tourism-sensitive.

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Association fran? ease for the boat? electric

The carriage of passengers by boat? electric is clearly in d? development.
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Circle of friends of the tyre BREIZH

Association 1901 Cape Breizh, cr?(e) in 2003, has the vocation of r? achieve outputs in inflatable boats between all its DHA? different. These outputs can? tre fluvial or marine.
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Association of friends of the Canal lat? General? the Loire

Mr Jean Pierre Martineau pr? Founder President of has.M.I.C.A.L.L. [Association of the friends of the Canal lat? ral? the Loire] and all its members are pleased to pr? submit our site.
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Association des amis du Mus? e of the inland waterways of Conflans Sainte honorine

The association provides the? edition of the Cahiers du Mus? e,? th? my vari boatmen? s and the restoration of several ships open to the public.
The mus? e of Conflans is today the most important of? institutions devoted? s? the history of navigation int? domestic and the only one? National vocation.
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Association europ? European research and development of the River culture

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l'Association Hommes
et Cours d'Eau
vise à créer un réseau de compétences et de passions partagées.
L'objectif fondamental d'Hommes et cours d'eau est de favoriser la mise en réseau des personnes, des associations, des institutions… dont les domaines d'activité se croisent sur les eaux intérieures, qui souhaitent confronter leurs approches et tirer profit d'une mise en commun de leurs questionnements, de leurs pratiques, de leurs connaissances, de leurs actions, de leurs trouvailles … Développer la recherche et en faire connaître les résultats


Our essential mission is to try r? address problems? my River users may encounter with the diff? pension administrations, n? negotiate with this m? me administration administrative texts which r? governing our life River (conventions of occupation, ship's certificate, thumbnails, etc), to participate? a research active new spaces, and organizing meetings and of r? unions between vessels.
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