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Press review

The revival of the channels

La mise à grand gabarit de la liaison fluviale Bray-Nogent continue

Cet aménagement permettra de relier sans rupture de charge Nogent-sur-Seine au bassin parisien et au-delà, aux grands ports maritimes du Havre et de Rouen (et, via le futur canal Seine-Nord Europe, aux grands ports maritimes de l'Europe du nord). Il comprend principalement la reprise du chenal de navigation entre l'écluse de la Grande Bosse et Villiers-sur-Seine,  la construction d'une nouvelle écluse à Jaulnes et la construction d'un canal à grand gabarit  (sur les actuels casiers SEDA) parallèle au canal de Beaulieu.
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canal saint Quentin

Le tourisme fluvial tend à se stabiliser, au moins sur le canal du Nivernais. « En 2010, nous avions eu 1.187 passages à l'écluse des Jeux, à Clamecy ; cette année, à fin août, il y en a eu 1.524. Comme septembre semble avoir été bon,
on s'achemine vers un chiffre identique à l'an dernier », estime Jean-Marc Voyot, assistant technique au Syndicat mixte du canal.
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Canal du Midi

Entretien et rénovation médiocres, platanes malades, disparition de la batellerie commerciale au profit du développement touristique exclusif… Le diagnostic que dressent les associations occitanes Pais Nostre et Lo Camin novèl sur l'état du Canal du Midi n'est franchement pas jojo. Hier, lors d'une conférence de presse organisée à Trèbes, ils ont émis le souhait d'états généraux du Canal du Midi - mais ont omis d'y inviter le gestionnaire délégué, les Voies navigables de France (VNF).
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L'écluse de Bouchain 

L'écluse de Bouchain en chômage à partir de mercredi
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l'écluse du Pont Malin

Gros travaux à l'écluse du Pont Malin qui va être équipée de nouvelles portes
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En cours, le dragage de la Sambre par les Voies navigables

Mercredi, la péniche et l'engin étaient à proximité de l'écluse d'Hautmont, derrière l'abbaye. Avant cela, le va-et-vient des péniches avait lieu du côté de Berlaimont (notre édition de samedi). Les péniches venaient s'amarrer sur les quais, près de l'entreprise Desvres, pour déverser une partie des sédiments « récoltés » dans le cadre du curage de la Sambre.
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canal saint Quentin

La communauté d'agglomération devait récupérer la concession du port. Revirement de dernière minute. La gestion est assurée par Voies navigables de France.
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Des bateaux angevins au Festival de Loire à Orléans

Dans une dizaine de jours le Festival de Loire accueillera sur les quais d'Orléans plus de 220 bateaux naviguant sur les fleuves d'Europe et leurs 600 mariniers. Avec plus de 600 000 visiteurs, ce festival constitue le plus grand rassemblement européen de la marine fluviale avec 200 spectacles gratuits et plus de 400 animations. 
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Un prototype de bateau fluvial à hydrogène

Les carburants écologiques ne sont pas seulement intéressants pour les voitures: l'Université de Birmingham fait naviguer depuis trois ans déjà un bateau fluvial propulsé par une pile à combustible.
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Une seule prise de courant sur les berges castelles

TRISTE constat. Les plaisanciers qui font une halte à Château-Thierry ne s'éternisent pas plus d'une journée.
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Une écluse atypique

Le métier d'éclusier a considérablement évolué. Terminé l'époque où ces professionnels vivaient sur place et passaient leur temps dehors, en amont et en aval de l'écluse, pour ouvrir et fermer les portes.
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Charlotte et Christian, la vie est un long fleuve tranquille

À 67 ans, Charlotte et Christian sont toujours en vadrouille. Une semaine par-ci, un mois par-là, ce couple de retraités suisses ne pose jamais ses valises. Et pour cause, ils n'en ont pas ! Il y a sept ans, c'est dans une péniche qu'ils ont décidé d'emménager. Rencontre, le temps d'une escale, à Lille.
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Naufrage d'une péniche de plaisance sur la Marne

CUMIERES (Marne). Il n'est pas encore 14 heures, hier, lorsqu'une péniche de plaisance arrive depuis Damery en direction d'Epernay. A hauteur de la première écluse de Cumières, le pilote, d'après l'enquête de police, fait une erreur au moment de l'aiguillage et se retrouve sur un bras mort de la Marne, non navigable. 
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La rando du dimanche

Voici une sortie plaisante de 10 km qui réserve de bons moments. ... Les plaisirs sont tellement variés que vous aurez envie, un jour ou l'autre, de repiquer au plat.
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Halte fluviale : Tout est OK au quai

«OH ! non, je n'ai pas de bateau et ce n'est pas plus mal quand on sait comment j'ai dirigé ma barque dans un parc d'attraction ! » Édith Demerlier n'a peut-être rien d'une Maud Fontenoy avec des rames, mais elle est hors pair pour l'accueil des plaisanciers à la halte fluviale de Chauny. Et ce sont les plaisanciers qui en parlent le mieux. « Nous avons eu un accueil très chaleureux », racontait dernièrement Danielle Vanneyre, de Bordeaux, en escale pour une nuit avec son mari Jean-Marie sur le Jopika, quai Gayant.
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Castelnaudary. Canal du Midi : alerte aux eauxpolluées

Défigurer le canal du Midi en abattant les platanes atteints d'un mal incurable est l'arbre qui cache un autre fléau : la pollution des eaux causée par le tourisme plaisancier.
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Sur le canal de Roubaix 

Ils sont arrivés tous les trois en même temps, mercredi en milieu d'après-midi. Difficile de
dire qui du lot était le trentième plaisancier à emprunter ce canal de Roubaix qui,
décidément, devient une destination touristique à la mode, deux mois et demi seulement
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Au coeur de la Lys pour contempler la vallée

Qu'à cela ne tienne, le bateau ne tangue pas. Ne chavire pas non plus, malgré une belle petite frayeur en cours de
route - une péniche qui a lancé un propulseur et qui a provoqué de sacré remous dont notre bateau a eu du mal à
s'en remettre.
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S? the canal of the Marne drought? the its? no

May 15, 2011 the cons? s consequences? drought result in measures of? economies of water on the river channel of the Marne? the its? does. Route France waterway may d? decide together boaters for the passages in the? cluses.

The Sambre Canal? the Oise - of the new!

The report of Mr VERDEAU is finally out...
The association is cr? e date? Iron will be channel SET (channel Sambre water Thi? rache), its purpose, the development of the Canal of the Sambre and its adjacent basins for the return of the water RAM.
If you want to reach them, because this association is open? all, you can contact Francine Kimpe t? l? complete on the: 03 23 60 45 16
The report click here

The Blog of boats? electric

Boats? electric and solar boats what are the benefits? Silence, neat?, environmentally imm? dat, comfort, monohull, catamaran, trimaran, etc. R? bending for the carriage of passengers, River and sea transport or for private boats? es.

The trough of the Noirieu? SEC

REMAUCOURT/ESSIGNY-LE-PETIT Noirieu trough does not laugh VNF
It is vid? e water suite? a collapse of a portion of its bank in Wednesday night? Thursday. A plan of work of emergency? t? implemented by France waterways for? avoid the Saint Quentin canal may be more food?
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With the opening of the boating place, the Lyon Confluence opens to the public

G? rard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon, a inaugur? Friday, June 25, quai Antoine Riboud in the neighbourhood of Lyon Confluence, ringing the opening of the boating place and walk to its? does to the public. It is d? the largest now in the public spaces of the almost '? who provides the Lyonnais.
Source the moniteur.fr

Attractive River stops

Between Besan? it and Montb? liardais, boaters enjoy a magical landscape but better and better agency port stops? es. This is the case of the River stop Deluz, pr? s of Besan?, open since July 2009. Here am? a docking basin development to cr? er a stop in the bed of the canal, Freycinet, making it a protected site? g? floods.
It allows the home of about 30 yachts short, medium and long hard? e, throughout the ann? e. This stop includes: mooring pontoons, water distribution terminals and? electricity?, station r? cup? ration of water us?, ramp? water and picnic tables. The port of Baume-les-Dames is? also tr? s taken? enhancing the attraction of the town.
Two other stops, those of the Isle-sur-le-Doubs and Clerval (on the Doubs) reinforce the offer for boaters.
Source Alsace.fr

SAINT-QUENTIN canal, a flood of festivit? s

Now start animations devoted? es the bicentenary of the canal. The program is responsible? These 200 years are an opportunity to recall the history and the life of a place often urgently? in the banalit? the daily.
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The port of Dinan has? t? backup? in extremis 

? some 20 people, could save three boats. The water was? an impressive speed.
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The revival of the channels

Apr? s r? region Burgundy tr? s active in restoration in? State of its waterways, here is a review of the ambitions of the Loire Atlantique.

The Council g? n? ral of Loire-Atlantique is r?-open? navigation the int? gralit? the Canal de Nantes? Brest
Publication date: Wednesday 24 f? February 2010

Find the? channel oblivion? Since that in 2008 it became properties? silence and Manager of the waterways of Loire-Atlantique, Council g? n? ral d? develops high ambitions for the section of the canal de Nantes? Brest he responsibility? (73 km): apr? s r? am? planning multi-purpose of the tow path and r? clearance of several bridges and? cluses, Council g? n? ral is now r? opening complete? te Canal? river navigation.

To achieve this, it must enti? particularly dredging and d? identify the v? g? invasive vegetation a 6 km section, situ? e between F? gr? ac and St-Nicolas-de-Redon and ferm? e? navigation for 30 years. These work? tre assur? s by new river barge? ISAC?, latest investment Council g dated? n? ral (284 000 AC). Commissioning this end f? February, it d? now intervene without rel? che to allow r? opening of this? Small channel? from here? the? t? Next. Waterways of Loire-Atlantique: objective development the Canal de Nantes? Brest, its? ponds and ditches, the Erdre and the S? navigable EVR: Council g? n? ral is properties? Secretary and Manager since 2008 of 120 km of navigable waterways, with a goal: pr? server the existing, highlight the potential for more conna? tre and live this heritage. Properties? silent River public domain, Council g? n? ral today fills a r? the r? regulation, coordination and Council on the inland waterways. It is in this sense the main guarantor of the WOC? preferences hydraulic, Crown, and navigation.Council g? n? ral mark? re waterways are a historical heritage of tr? s great value, open activities? s recreational and contributing? the quality? life in Loire-Atlantique. For this reason, it has implemented d? develops a sch? my waterways 2008-2012 covering the whole of the activity? s li? es River public domain: maintenance, operation, development, environment, sport, tourism? The sch? my formalizes axes op? rational concrete and r? realistic, and a plan of 30 shares? each d? j? NCSA? es in practices, other news or? d? develop - for a d? development of waterways d? partementales. It is based around three axes:
1 Pr? server heritage safeguarding historical structures in prot? safeguarding the environment.The natural heritage of the River public domain - floristic and arbor?, fish and fauna - dor? now g? r? in accordance with the directions of d? sustainable development. The acquisition of the barge? ISAC? fully fits this d? walk, in that it fosters intervention by waterway to pr? server along the waterway
2 D? develop the offer of recreation in am? swam the canal de Nantes? Brest and rewarding the outskirts of the waterways.On the Canal de Nantes? Brest, the Council g? n? ral aims? to facilitate use by pleasure boaters in d? creating river ports and am hikers? improving acc? s River public domain.Among the main templates? s of the sch? my include:
am? planning multi-purpose road hauling and contre-halage for 100 km (d? j? r? alis?);
r? clearance of the? cluse of dam? Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, to reopen? navigation the? Small channel? (in progress); r? four houses clearance? clusi? res inhabit? es (early work pr? SUV in 2010).
3 Do live and conna? tre waterways d? creating animation, consultation, as well as promoting and informing the public.For? change, am? improve information of all and allow d? development of various activities? s pr? found on and around the waterways, the consensus is? the order of the day.The animation is encouraged? e, around local events such as the op? ration? Me too I Act? who has seen many b? n? volunteers carry out the valuation of the approaches to the canal.
The multi-service barge? ISAC? commissioning was in 2007 that the Council g? n? ral of Loire-Atlantique has d? cid? to initiate the construction of a new barge multiservices for operation and maintenance of its navigable d way work? partementales.
A second? me barge, to cover 120 km of track navigablesAuparavant, the barge? Erdre?, built in 1985 and modernis? e in 2008,? was the only b? building Council g? n? ral? ensure the maintenance of the canal de Nantes? Brest, the Erdre and the S? vre. But this barge was to make long trips (more than 100 km between Redon and Vertou) and? tre shared? e between two work areas to the North and the South of the Loire. In addition, this unit? small size (12 m in length and 4 m wide) lacks capacity? storage.Council g? n? ral, d? off of its river heritage d? partemental and in particular am? improve quality? service on the canal, thus a d? cid? to launch the acquisition of a new b? building. While the opening of road hauling and contre-halage for hikers made more difficult through interventions? Earth?, the barge will ensure by waterway. This new tool allows therefore g Council officers? n? ral (service maritime infrastructure and waterways) of hooked? tre efficiency? their interventions in each of the sectors of routes d? partementales, doubling the op? maintenance operations:
The barge? Erdre? will be dor? now used? e primarily by the centre of intervention of Saint-F? lix, because it is adapt? e? the majority? interventions l? g? res r? alis? on the Erdre or S? EVR: markup, small works of? pruning...
The barge? ISAC?, will be as? it more sp? specifically affect? e on the section of the Canal de Nantes? Brest situ? e between Erdre and Vilaine, which borrows to part the bed of a natural watercourse that has? t? Canalis?, Isac. This is the reason why this name? t? chosen to christen the barge. It may n? nevertheless? be used? e from time to time on the Erdre and the S? EVR sp needed? specific.
Of the character? characteristics adapt? es to channel this new barge, larger (15 m) and wider (4.40 m) will allow to the? g Council teams? n? ral perform an op? maintenance by water rations. Features? s main d? fulfil? This new unit? are the following:
a platform for stable work and the possibility? s of storage, to embark and d? unloading any s? security? the mat? riel, but also all types of mat? riau to d? sencombrement waterways (dead, flushing body?);
a handy and powerful arm to transport mat? riel and mat? materials, r? achieve work of? pruning and felling of trees in the vicinity of the water, protection of banks and the op work? point dredging operations;
dimensions and a manoeuvrabilit? adapt? in the template of the works of the canal and the Erdre (tunnel,? cluses, bridges). The design of the hull associated with aluminum? e? a hydraulic motor make a boat tr? s handy. The? crew, compound? two minimum agents, will be able to cope? all work situations.
LocaleLe Design Council g? n? ral is supported? on the Centre of? studies Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales (CETMEF) for? develop the specifications of the barge pr? specifying its size and its character? technical characteristics (engine, crane?). At the end of a tender, it has caused? the march? the Alu Navy shipyard construction (neck? ron), for a total of 284 852,17 ACHT.The first confidential site? the barge? ISAC? will consist of the d? release of the 6 km section of canal between the? cluse of the Bellions and the? cluse of the dike.
R? the channel between F? gr? ac and St-Nicolas-de-Redon the Canal de Nantes? Brest is a section of 6 km (17th bief) situ? e between the? the Bellions cluse? F? gr? ac and the? cluse of dam? Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, sometimes call? e? Small channel? This section is closed? e? navigation since the construction of the dam of Arzal d? the purpose of the ann? es 70: the replacement of the drawbridge? pendulum by a work fixed? the? poque, then r? recently the construction of a wall and a cofferdam for prot? ger of floods of the Vilaine, permanently have ordered? any river navigation. The route of boaters should pause more upstream? the? Bellions, o cluse? they were forced to borrow the Vilaine. D? December 2007, Councillors g? n? Liberals of Loire-Atlantique have approved? a program of r? opening of? Small channel? and r? novation of the? cluse of the dike. Her r? achievement will restore the navigabilit? in this section who? was gradually invaded by the v? g? interpretation, and thus to craft a circuit loop of a dozen kilometres? very between Vilaine and Canal: what revitalising short hard fluvial tourism? e to d? part of Redon and Saint-Nicolas de Redon. All of the work to date is? l? ve? about 1 million euros TTC, enti? certainly? workload the Council g? n? ral of Loire-Atlantique, and is d? composed in three op? rations.
1 R? clearance of the? the first DigueLes work cluse, completed? s? the end of the ann? e 2008, have consist? replace doors and? r? prepare the my? onneries of the? cluse, for a total of 200,000 ACHT (the of industry / B? buildings modern B? tone / Board g? n? ral - maritime infrastructure and waterways Service).The second? me phase of work is the replacement of crossings on the? cluse, allowing r? establish a draught of air sufficient to the r template? regulatory navigation while providing service to the dam downstream district. The pr program? sees:
the construction of a mobile bridge (deck m? metallic Joi? manoeuvr? of v? hydraulic SINET).
r? a new IP gateway achievement? wider tonne.
r? the local novation receiving the? technical equipment and a home for the agent space? clusier.
The ann? e 2009? t? devoted? e? the? study of technical solutions to? be put to? work (Office of? studies Terrell West). The march? r? novation of crossings comes to? be granted? and work, pr? for a hard? e 4 months, will engage soon in order to? be completed? s for the? t? 2010, for a total of 315,000 ACHT (in the what to add 40,000 ACHT for the my? of work).
2 Section F dredging? gr? CA?Saint-Nicolas-de-RedonLes many ann? es stagnation since the closure of this section have Favorites? siltation of reach and the profile? ration of invasive aquatic plants. Dredging of the 6 km of waterway concerned campaign? s a? t? men? e throughout the ann? e, 2009 for a co? global t of 300,000 ACH.(Company HLB environment).In order to d? identify the part? a? air? navigation, Council g? n? ral will now initiate work to? pruning of trees. In so far? a large part of of this section is inaccessible by land, it is pr? cis? ment the new barge? ISAC? who will take care: wood shot? will therefore be? vacu? by waterway.
3 Upgrading Landscap? re in connection with the fabric of associations localesParall? entry? This essential work for navigation, a d? walking upgrading Landscap partnership? re is men? e on this section of the canal. It is intended? highlight possible interactions between canal - boating, boats - and hauling and contre-halage roads - now become ind? counterparts of the proximity? water and used? s mostly by the v? los and the pi? tones. Of? fen? tres? on the canal and the points of view will be cr?s to fully showcase the am? r development? alis? s.Dans the continuity? a? study r? alis? e by the? l? ves from the Centre of agricultural Social Promotion (SCAs) of Combourg in the cycle of training BTS? am? landscape development?, action b? n? flies a? t? init? e on 9 October and 28 November last the op? ration? Me too I Act? with the assistance of the city of Saint-Nicolas de Redon and the association of friends of the transformer: bringing pr? s 30 persons, this action has consist? in a Landscap opening? re of the path of contrehalage to the channel, putting in perspective a book covered by the v? g? interpretation, the siphon of the Orgeraie. This op? ration is ach? vera 26 and 27 f? February next by d? a few openings complete secondary? additional? destination of the p? researchers.The Council g? n? ral pr? thus r? open? navigation for this section? the? t? 2010.

A Boater English caught in ice? CHAUNY

Between London and Malaga, his stopover? the River stop of Chauny will last longer than pr? view. David
Lindsay has what? put ice in his whisky!
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It rep? che the cars, the body and the weapons in the Seine

The river Seine. An arm of the peace? in the horns, cars and mouths m? tro. It is? the fluvial brigade than if you love the River. Both cops, firefighters and boatmen, police officers of the river Seine fill particularly missions of s? securing, inspection and control? the waterways. 
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Fluv'd? borde in his usual territory

Police officers of the Seine can d? now navigate on the Marne, Oise, Essonne and their tributaries. Since September 14 date entr? e into force of the d? order establishing the Grand Paris of the s? security?, the scope of the fluvial brigade is pass? 110 km of waterways? 592 km.
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SAINT QUENTIN P? che in the old port threatened? e 

Unfortunately, this is not new. In several letters successive adress? s? Jean Dufour, pr? President of P? saint-quentinois researchers and? Bernard Chantrelle, head of subdivision by int? rim of V.N.F., Alain Gosselet, pr? President of the nautical Club of high-Picardie, is expressed? its bright m? contentment to the behaviour of certain p? researchers to the unscrupulous reel (among whom the carpistes). They swing in their line sinkers throwing (80? 100 g) on vessels of boaters amarr? s at the old port, resulting in a d? g? ts.
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A kind of r? sidence secondary

On the banks of the canal lat? ral of the Loire,? Saint-Thibault, the port is little? little rhythm of croisi? re m? me time r? veil of fluvial tourism?
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State of emergency for the Sambre

The? read Belgium concern, the Aisne, and Sambre-Avesnois? s by the fate of the Sambre have r? United yesterday? Hautmont in? States g? n? Liberals? Unique pr? occupation: the Vadencourt pontcysyllte aqueduct, in the Aisne.
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Cambrai? the Belgium boat

Cambrai? the Belgium boat, a tourist rally on channels
The first touristicofluvial rally ever organised? Northern d? marrera Saturday in Cambrai. It will help boaters hired? s to go quietly and created, in a week,? Thieu, near Mons (Belgium), to participate? International concentration of pleasure boats.
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Fluvial tourism keeps morale

If the crisis strikes many sectors fluvial tourism is Cape Town. The season is more than well party.
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The canal du Nord? the ch? EMA?

Last maintenance date of April 2003. Six years apr? s, the canal du Nord will again close its? cluses to boats in a month,? starting today. It will be implemented? SEC to accommodate cranes and construction equipment. The small templates will be led? s to the Saint-Quentin canal and the Scheldt.
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A p? niche more than 200 tonnes collided with a Clio, yesterday? Marquette
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The work of the fluvial port of Besan? on

The docks were? t? POS? s, stairways and ramps r? alis? s. The work of the fluvial port of Besan? it begin their last? re straight line. Opening pr? view in May.
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Saving the bateaux-lavoirs

The two bateaux-lavoirs are in tr? s wrong? state. The Saint-Julien was Col? This weekend. A race against the clock is started? e to the save water. The two amarr bateaux-lavoirs? s? Laval, the Saint-Julien and Saint-Yves are in danger.
? What are PIs? these exceptional, t? moigne Xavier Villebrun, Director of the heritage of the city. These boats are the last two in Europe. ? They? t? registered to the historical monuments in 1994.
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HALLUIN life on pontoons

The port of Halluin pleasure, is a village serr? Autour its pontoons. Everyone will know? t, petty,.
boaters, between those who live? edge by pleasure or by stress. As Jean-Claude, withdrawal? living on his boat
for financial reasons? res.
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CHAUNY? A? t? crazy? to FCA Clipper?

Alain Brodin not d? col? re not. Properties? silence of the discoth? that the? FCA Clipper?, situ? e between Chauny and Viry - Noureuil, there? t? victim of an act of vandalism week last? re:? someone has d? samarr? p? breed,? both the cha? nes, cha TURNBUCKLE? nes and shackles.
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Op? ration of contr? the p? niches 

Op? ration of contr? the p? niches? the? cluse canal d? diversion of the Scarpe
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Yesterday, the mayors of Merville and B? thune,? cities-doors? the River bar, are retrieved? s in the ILC? of the Caous.Ap? tres a? heart of r? region? housing, in addition to their cities, range-surla-Lys, Hazebrouck and Saint-Omer, Jacques Parent and St? phane Saint-Andr? r? proclaim a d? senclavement of the territory. They call? the? State.
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VADENCOURT pontcysyllte aqueduct: the VNF in the crosshairs

Old? three years as the river traffic on the Sambre canal? Oise is interrupted for reasons of s? security? on the bridge. Elus North, Belgium and Thi? rache of the Aisne are trying to find an amicable solution to convince the
Waterways of France (VNF) to invest in the r? novation of the site. They ask a r? response more quickly. Friday, a first? re r? union of? read the great Thi? rache allowed d? l solutions decide? legitimate options but also other more radical. The? read are not hidden? their face time? a syst? me which seems to ignore them.
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A waterway between B? the and Chavornay

In a news release?, the Swiss Association for navigation int? domestic (ASNAV) takes a position Friday on the pr report? feel? two days more t? t Office f? d? ral of transport (OFT) and devoted? the navigation. It considers that we should do more than simply f? praise growth of traffic on the Rhine.
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Port of Basseau

The Charente (the prettiest France Creek, according to Fran? ois I) took its comfortable, since Sunday apr? s-midi, covering its vagrant flow the chauss? e of the impasse of the? cluse to the port of Basseau,? FL? CA.
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Training? int navigation? domestic the ADERC and ITU 

As part of d? development of education sub? outside on the cobblestones? ration of Grand Chalon, the ADERC - Agency for the
D? R economic development? region of Chalon-sur-Sa?- and the ITU? University of Technology Institute - found? Huy in Belgium to initiate future Franco-Belgian cooperation on training li? es? river navigation. The Ecole Polytechnique de Huy has, indeed, a r? reputation europ? EU for quality? of his teaching. Recognition of licences and the certificates that it d? book is essential to be able to navigate to any r? network of inland waterways in Europe
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The last? re bridge Po croisadedu-?-Bar

Yvon Tunick, 83 years old, a? t? petty during a demi-si? key. Withdrawal? Bridge-?-Bar, to d? sole see Ardennes d channel? is used? by p? niches. A muscular plea?.
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The River Brigade of police in Paris

The River Brigade is cr?e in 1900, then? the pr initiative? TEF of police of the? poque, Louis L? pine,? the opportunity of a major exhibition in the r? Parisian region. Louis L? pine is the main proponent of the sp service? Panel, load? ensure along the Seine River. This service works in parallel? the with those involved in navigation. The mission of the Brigade River is? strengthen the s? security? users of the river Seine and its surroundings.
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? studies lanc? for the second? cluse

The second project? cluse to the dam of Arzal is on track. Could d? start in 2011,? the competition of ing? engineering coming of? tre NACA?
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River tourism: the charm of channel fran? ais

The France is sillonn? e waterways. Once used? to merchant transport, many d? r now? serv? fluvial tourism. A mani? re peaceful and original to go? the meeting of tr? get out of the deep France.
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Mareuil-sur-Ay / D? gelLa hull of p? new breeds perc? e

Yesterday, a dozen firefighters again intervened on p? niche?Clay and water?, amarr? e on the canal of the Marne? Mareuil-sur-A?
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A new neighborhood? CR? er? starting z? ro on the Scheldt

Your individual home? ecological, overlooking a harbour? In downtown? This looks like yet? science fiction. But the Town Hall works. And the project continues its course, despite? the difficult? times.
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Despite? Frost, navigating in the r? region

Water? 1?(C) under a layer of ice of several centim? very. Channels are suffering from the cold. First? res victims: boatmen including p? niches must break the ice to move forward. On the canal du Nord, navigation, d? delicate but possible is Rios? te at the gates of Picardy. 
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Difficult traffic on certain waterways of Walloon

Traffic? was particularly? especially difficult Thursday on the waterways of Walloon, r? v? the the River Information Services (RIS) transmitted to the boatmen. Several rivers are inaccessible. But, according to the direction of navigable routes, no request for passage? t? made and no b? eco is therefore p? system? by the situation.
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A single certificate for the waterways of the European Union? EU

D? s 2009, vessels covered by the new certificate of s? security? Europ? will be authorized? s? Browse all the rivi? res of the Union, including the Rhine.
Under the new r? Community regulations, this unique certificate is d? ships? on the basis of the technical requirements for vessels in navigation int? domestic. The implementation of these r? common rules is a great progr? s s? security? waterway transport in Europe.
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The canal well treated? in the winter

It iterates through the Loire-Atlantique on 73 km. Lane River particularly? especially tourism in fine weather, the canal de Nantes? Brest is closed? the navigation until March. At the time, his properties? silence, Council g? n? ral, takes advantage of the winter for r? realize...
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Traffic jams of ships? Longueil-Annel

The ILC? boatmen would be its victim? reputation? For some time, Longueil-Annel is confront? long-term parking? some housing boats which dock on the shoreline and squat months, or even of the ann? es, the wharf.
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Boats on the small channel in 2010

The? small channel? will be rest? ferm? navigation during pr? s of 40 years. In the spring of 2010, this section of the canal de Nantes? Brest, included between the? the Bellions cluse,? F? gr? ac, and the? cluse of the dike,? Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (i.e. 6.5 km) may again rocking p? niches and other riverboats.
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ANIZY-LE-CH?TEAU A new bridge over the canal of Oise? the Aisne

The new red book is? two beams lat? General m? metal that connect spacers. It is longer than 32 m and 8 m (including sidewalks of 1 m) wide. A hearth in b? your addition is? m frame? metallic.
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Channel-Seine: the work of the? cluse are termin? s.
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canal saint Quentin

Marina: the City Hall takes the management? starting from 2011.

In 2011, apr? s several d? decades, Chamber of commerce and industry (CCI) of the Aisne does not renew its application for grant aupr? s of the waterways of France (VNF) for the management of the port of Saint-Quentin. In the extension of the am? management of Wharf Gayant. It is then, the ILC? Pastels which would take the relay. If no project pr? cis is yet arr? t?, the purpose is to d? develop activity? pleasure but also make it more accessible to the Saint-Quentinois site.
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Blue Links is a work program for the navigation of the liaison channels restoration of? the? Scheldt, which includes the canalis mark? e, the Roubaix canal, r? region North of the France, and the canal of the Espierre in Hainaut and Western Flanders in Belgium. The r channel? be? will offer new possibility? d s? development of activity? s tourism and recreation,? closely li? in a territory urban renewal? stretched.
This program r? novation of large scale, the work will be welfare? t completed? s, a? t? made possible by the participation and mobilization of Europe and diff? different body of? Belgian States and fran? ais. 
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Paris m? metropolis, a new European port? in?

Major corridors River as the future Seine-Nord Europe canal routes to the smaller loading gauge as the canal de L'ourcq, the channels contribute to r?balancing of transport? the int? integration of m? Paris metropolis in a wide range of European? in, and the d? development of fluvial tourism.
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Croisi? res? the 2009 horizon

NACA? in 2005, the navigation of the bond project between the of? the and the Scheldt advance. More than 90% of the program a? t? r? alis? R? opening is pr? for the? t? 2009.
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C? t? Scarpe edges

? Sainte-Catherine and? Saint-Nicolas, North of the Scarpe, the mesh in soft links to? toffe also. Two tron? Add-ons are being finished. Visit, until new d? developments of the Green and blue fabric, Wailly and Laurent.
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Castelsarrasin. They will spend the winter on the water

P? the coldest period of the ann? e is an opportunity for some animals to winter. Less naturalistic observation, but did and although r? el: boats are as much. ?This p? period begins in the month of October ends month of ao? t?, explains my? t? RANET, responsible for the port castelsarrasinois. Attach? s to the plots of the embarcadaire of the city, they
will remain on the channel to the month of April which will ring the hour, for the majority? of them, of their goodbyes? the city and take the broad line of new horizons.
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The river traffic of goods relanc? on the Loire

THE Corporation? t? River Feeder Loire, subsidiary of Marfret (Marseille) and partner of the autonomous port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire to sup? you? implement a bi-weekly 70 river link? 80 TEUS (? indicated twenty-feet) between Montoirde.
Brittany and Chevir?, at the gates of Nantes, d? s mi - d? December. Waterway in the 19th century, the Loire will reconnect with the pass? River she has known? the? poque o? Flaubert? described the sentimental Education? edge of a steamer lig? nothing.
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Make channels the inhabitants

Another axis of d? development: River tourism. The Committee? r? regional tourism (CRT) works with waterways of France and f? d? tourism cooperation of Hainaut. A meeting was held yesterday? Wambrechies, pr? sence of Bernard Sandras, Director of the CRT.
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Blue Ring, the harbour of the future

Is an id? e simple and potentially can-? be changes in the image of marinas.

Saint-Amand: port River new, but not boat

In in the r board cartons? regional d? s 1995, a river port project? Saint-Amand-les-Eaux is practical? tis?, with its opening, the d? aim of the? t?. Yet, no boat is is anchored. The point on this aberration.les r board cartons? regional d? s 1995, a river port project? Saint-Amand-les-Eaux is practical? tis?, with its opening, the d? aim of the? t?. Yet, no boat is is anchored. The point on this aberration.
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ABB? short the? cluse's new look

Lorsque je suis passé pour la première fois ici par l'écluse d'Abbécourt j'étais sur la péniche de mes parents et j'avais… 8 jours ». Mémoire vivante du canal de l'Oise à l'Aisne, Jacky Chartier, fils de mariniers, a été marinier avec son propre bateau 
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the canal du Midi increasingly taken?

The four months of? t?, the? Tr cluse? bes a registered? 5 166 portions of vessels against 4 930 year last with a peak in the month of ao? t of 1,429.
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Heritage. Houses? clusi? res: projects? refine

A call for project had? t? NACA? navigable waterway January of France and the Council g? n? ral of Lot-et-Garonne. It involved the upgrading of the houses? clusi? res vacant along the green route of the canal de Garonne inaugur? e on July 8, 2007.
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R? refurbishment of the? Grand Dam cluse continues

Saturday morning, about 30 people, as well as the? read village, participated? s visit? secure? e, the site of the? Grand Dam cluse, being r? novation. In the op? national cooperation? Clean up nature?, the municipality? has held? raising awareness on environmental issues. Saturday morning, she organized the visit guid? e of the construction of the? cluse of large Dam which is currently the subject of upgrades and automation.
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One hundred and twenty years ago, was born the elevator

When the f? te Park, Chantal? was l? The last properties? silence of this p? niche have? t? Paulette Duval-Loriot. The elevator? boats a? t? placed in service after one hundred and twenty years? s work men? s by Edwin Clark,? Scottish, and designer of this type of work, and Mr. Bertin, ing? engineer to the VNF.
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Captain in river navigation, a nouvelleformation? Strasbourg

A unique formation in France of Captain of boat in river navigation? t? LANC? e officially? Strasbourg, learned on Friday aupr? s R? region Alsace.
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Chantal d? molie, Saint-Quirin is? only now? the elevator? boats

Two years ago, with France waterways, there? t? d? cid? the implementation of s? security? the site of
the elevator? boats. ? Was not an accident?, justifies Serge Pouille, responsible for
technical services of the town of Arques. Management is common? the city and? VNF.
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A port of pleasure on the grounds of the Foundry 

AM?SWIM a harbour on land pollution? s ancient foundries of old mountain, on the banks of the Oise,? Creil. This is the last big project of the Mayor, Jean-Claude Villemain.
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Of? mastodons? that do not meet the speed

A Boater, t? dans accident Saturday moin? Sunday, d? Nuncio excessive speed? of some mastodons?
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Three fatal accidents on the Seine in twenty years

The Seine boat accidents? Paris, o? the Saturday night of a pleasure boat sinking caused two deaths, remain exceptional. Five million tourists fran? ais and? foreign borrowing each ann? e drive boats. .
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AGC Glaverbel Boussois, a company that had the feet in water

Built in 1898, the company? Boussois ice? born on the banks of the Sambre. The rivi? re, a strategic choice? strategic for leaders of the? poque. But, if there is another ten years, the Sambre was used? send the mati? res first?, trucks today be replaced? p? niches.
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Cahors. Navigation: pi? ge of the? Coty cluse

Navigation on the Lot is not a long quiet river. The rec exercise? the of the difficult? s crossing of? cluses and the pi? GHG as this current which attracts like a magnet boats? the approach of the mill of Coty.
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The of? the victim of a mini pollution

We do know? t yet the nature of the product as it floated in quantity? important, Monday, on the of? the.
Is that means of pumping and protection of the Harbour have d? be implemented
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Marina of REDON

During the? t?, the harbour of Redon,? It's like a camping. It pays a
parking per night right? e?, begins Florence Mayet of the House of
trade and industry, which g? re the two ports.
This ann? e, the balance sheet of the season is a little mitig? m? me if the fr? traffic of the port of
craft a trend? be hooked? tre a decade ann? es.
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PORALU MARINE participates in the d? development of the River pleasure of the city of Paris

A project of am? planning, lanc? by the Mairie de Paris aims? promote the Parisian municipal channels and? d? develop the practice of the craft.
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Croisi? res softness on the Berry canal

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ENT? years: inland waterways recovering? flow on the Quays of the Loire

Apr? s a si? cle of forgetfulness, the right bank of the River, r? am? nag? e walk, could become a p? the attraction in the heart of city.
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A cruise ship in the garden

R? replicates of the Majesty of the Seas, 33,50 m? very long,? t? built in 12 years by Fran? ois Zanella.
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The river port of Hautmont, a project that should see the day by late 2009

Second? me part of our s? rie of? t? devoted? e? the rivi? re Sambre. We do this week one
stop? Hautmont o? a river port should see the day by the end of 2009.
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The path of water cleaner than bitumen

In 2006, more than 80% of the transport of goods? was assur? in France by the fili? re Moreover? re. If there is no miracle solution at present? the suffering? routine pos? e by the transportation sector, however, can minimize the environmental impact in privileges? alternatives giant less? transmitter.
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The? cluse of Houplines-Armenti? res, the premi? re built on the Leie fran? comfortable

The? cluse of Houplines-Armenti? res was the first? re built on the Leie fran? comfortable. Here is his story.
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The River highway is lanc? e

At the time of the Grenelle of the environment and the alternative means of transport? the road, a major river project is successful. The r? Ile-de-France, Picardie and the Calais regions have agreed on the Seine-Nord-Europe canal to link Paris to the Benelux. A cha? not long missing which could become a river highway.
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the? cluse of Houplines-Armenti? res

The navigabilit? Lys, from its confluence with the Scheldt until? Armenti? res, dating? the time tr? s decline? s. But, subsequently, to ensure that navigation, it was n? r necessary? realize the am? development, and numerous works of art allowing boats to pass between bodies of water level diff? rent. The? cluses fill this r?, allowing boats to cross without difficult? and no sentence a diff? level Conference? the mount? as? the descent of the rivi? res.
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Lille wants to regain its channels and promote the River tourism

arcourir Lille by boat through the canals will be can-? tre welfare? possible. The Mayor, Martine Aubry (PS), d? fend for his second? me mandate a city's water project. Signs of this policy, the new Euratechnologie Park, on the shores of the high - of? the, should? tre inaugur? in November by river shuttle. The boats? flat bottom are d? j? bought? s! the first Deputy of Mrs. Aubry, Pierre de Saintignon enthuses. Six minutes will suffice? join the Lomme site from the bridge of the Citadel? proximity? downtown.
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F? your yacht on the Meuse

Is it? the opportunity to s? ance of the Coll? communal ge from this Thursday, may 8 that the? chevin of youth and Sports, Fouad Chamas a pr? sent? the? F? your yacht on the Meuse?
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Houseboats - Conflans in the turbulence of the pleasure                  

Pressure mounts on the docks of Conflans. Large merchant vessels and recreational boats covet the occup port? by family d houseboats? equipped with. Families who live? Wharf under the protection of the boat-Chapel Je Sers to inqui? ear tense by the municipality tent? the Sir? nes of trade on water.
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Eautoroutedu North

Transport. Enter a channel of 54 m? very wide to connect the Seine to the waterways of Northern Europe: a pharaonic project in six d? fis. Delivery pr? view in 2014.
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SCH? my Director of fluvial tourism in Wallonia

File? t? l? load of many information about river navigation in Wallonia.
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The happy marriage of the? economy and the? ecology 

The Grenelle of the environment is exercised? for an increase of 25% of river transport by 2012. Four years only to catch a treat? rable in the am? waterways management fran? comfortable permit? es, for thirty years, in a surrender guilty.
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Settle on a p? niche

Properties? owners gladly boasting good case, m? me if prices have increased? These last? res ann? es. Life on the water not s? reduced only artists in need of life of boh? me but? sub frames also? senior amateurs of wide open spaces. P? niche, it is a lot of space for cheap in a
sustainable district
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561 mini-mar? es black in streams in France between 2004 and 2007

On average, 140 mini-mar? es black occur each year? e in streams fran? ais and one-third remains
of unknown origin.
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The Autonomous Port of Li? ge 

Furthermore, the tourism branch of the PAL, it is-?-tell her? Port of Yachts? situ? in the heart of the ILC? burning a? also registered? excellent r? results with 47% increase in night? in 2007, report? 2006 m? me if the number of persons in transit? by the port is in decrease in su? the decline in fr? traffic of ships of the croisi? res River suite? r? m refurbishment? aboard one of the two ships that would ensure the rotations to d? part of the Netherlands.
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Bays? dry? cause of the work

The ducks had foot. The first channel of the Roubaix canal? Wasquehal, yesterday offered his muddy bottom with p? researchers who alarmaient the weakness of the level, due to the work.
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Test the vessel h? tel solar

First, it is a h? tel, which can accommodate until? 12 passengers (+ 3 members of the? crew). But specifications? still too
The oc is the Sun site a friend site of the capitainerie.fluviale you will find a link in the heading: links/links to internet sites.
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A river port for the canton of Agde

This campaign for the? cantonal elections, I would like to propose a project for the canton which fully in the
Board g? n? ral.
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A second? cluse to the dam of Arzalen 2009

The installation of a second? cluse on Arzal dam is on track. The project
technique and consultation should? tre boucl? s in 2008 for an implementation in 2009.
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Item ships? s at the port until... 2009

The port users are item? s at le Mans. They will be able to leave d? s that the
work on two dams will have started? When? Myst? re.
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Intemp? sets the rivi? res d? line

Since this weekend, the intemp? ries have gorg? water land of Brittany causing difficult? s movement, fields inond? s and
m? I the? evacuation of three persons in Ille-et-Vilaine.
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River transport FRAN?AIS connects? Europe

Modernization of the r? network, d? development of port platforms, incentives... The round table? mobility? and transport? the Grenelle environment a red? covered the favours of the river and of the sector? a priority? absolute? in the fight against the? gas? greenhouse effect.
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Moissac. Channel: the large site of clogging

It was yesterday morning that the first shovel blows? t? Donn? s in the bowels of the lat canal? General? the Garonne. As you had it meaningful? in a pr? c? dente? Edition, waterways of France (VNF) benefit from p? ch period? mage of the canal for proc? der? a large site of clogging of the banks.
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A Fran? ais to sup? you? r? volutionner navigation and propulsion, marine and river

And, quite simply, the engines and the diesel fuel for the ships of today? were d? barqu? s? So, it would be d? now technically possible to achieve, regardless of the tonnage of the vessel, a high speed and, without recourse? sailing or? the? solar energy.
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Premi? re in the vessel which was Col? in the Scheldt out of water

The premi? re part p? breeds Anta has Col? in the Scheldt? t? release of waters Friday morning.
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Pollution to the PCB in the sum

Pollution to the PCB in the sum
France Info - 18 d? December 2007-07: 57

The sale of fish is prohibited, the consumption of fish d? Advisor? e,? cause of pollution in the Somme by PCBs of dioxin.

Marketing of all of the esp? these p? ch? in these water bodies is dor? prohibited now and it is also d? Advisor? eat these fish, and especially the eels and other fish, a pr? yesterday came the pr? involved Picardy.

The diff? rents conducted analyses are in? highlight the pr? presence in these streams of dioxin, according to the news release PCBs?

These pollutants would mainly come from the activity? industrial implant? e along these rivers. Directorate r? regional industry, research and the environment (DRIRE) is responsible? e to continue research on these sites to identify the existence of current releases or pass? s that could? tre? the origin of the pollution, has pr? cis? the pr? involved.

Water concern? s are the rivi? re sum of Saint-Quentin? the? Saint-Valery-sur-sum cluse, the Omignon, the three Doms, the Avre since Roye until? its confluence with the sum, since Albert anchor until? its confluence with the sum.

The d? gradation of the waters of the Black Sea

Pollution in the p? oil and sulfur Black Sea and the Azov Sea, r? recently by several commercial vessels that have sombr? the suite of a temp?, will affect the Black Sea at least ten years.
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Boat breaks on the Scheldt: navigation perturbed? e

A ship carrying coal's is breakage? two on the night of Sunday? Monday, on the Scheldt? height of Zele. The
river traffic was? t? interrupted suite? This accident and know? still tra disturbances for several days.
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Is the port of Denain a priority? for the valenciennois river transport?

At the foundation of the Grenelle de l'environnement, d? development of river transport has? t? PR? sent? as a priority? the
Government. Jean-Claude Lerique, tireless activist for the? denaisienne economy, now wants to remember? all stakeholders of
life? valenciennoise economic assets of the port of Denain.
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Boat show

The world the boating and water recreation will be fair? starting on Friday, November 30.
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Pollution of unknown origin on the canal in Mons

Has a clean sheet of unknown origin? t? d? tect? e Sunday apr? s-midi channel Nimy-Blaton-P? ronnes, between the? cluse and the bridge of Ghlin,? height of the malt, indicate the firefighters of Mons. Pollution,? parse, is? would approximately 800 m? very. The tron? was finally? t? ferm? river navigation to 19 hours 30.
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Bed bed, minor, major, travelling bed...

The trac? of? the river flow? res and rivers? devoted? or? t? be amended? over time, under the influence of natural factors (tectonic, climate, River dynamics,? ecological, etc.) and anthropogenic factors. Th? my following may in particular? tre first? s:-changes to trac? s: types of changes (for? age, d? D'Arrigo, channelling, etc.), direct causes (anthropogenic) or indirect (climatic fluctuations, waterlogging of the soil, etc.), chronology, their importance; -impact of the changes to the Corporation? t? riparian s and their environment (parcel ments? s, new am? development of territories, risks li? s? the rivi? re, fluvial infrastructures in urban areas, etc.); -perceptions and repr? presentations of these amendments by the soci? t? s local.
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Deepening of the channel of Rouen, green r? Act.

Next Monday will begin consultation on the digging of the channel of Rouen to allow? the new g? n? ration
ships (c? r? grain, p? petroleum, bulk carriers) of the river Seine until? Rouen.
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The canal de Nantes? Brest must become a rivi? re natural?

A premi? re demonstration on 11 November, a second pr? view November 24? the? bridge-Triffen cluse,? CL? den-Poher (Finist'air? re): d? the canal de Nantes defenders? Brest refuse it rendered? the? State of river? re part finist'air? air, which represented? represents 80 KMS? tres of navigable water. The? cluses and d? mouldboards would d? destroyed, and hauling railroads could dispara? tre.
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Who wants to the skin of the canal?

"J's'rai content quand tu s'ras mort vieux canal..." C'est le mauvais refrain que l'on entend en ce moment sur les
ondes... du canal de Nantes à Brest. Commencé en 1811, l'aménagement de la rivière en canal fut assuré par des
prisonniers de guerre espagnols, des bagnards, et des ouvriers sous-payés. La construction du canal s'est faite à
moindre coût. Mais aujourd'hui, ce sont des millions d'euros qui seront nécessaires.
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Jam on the river Seine

Too v? tuste, the? cluse is tomb? e fails. It blocks the flow of hundreds of p? niches since Wednesday.
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Environment. Channel threatened? s?

R? region will become properties? silence Breton channels, as it was manifest? the intention? S step? r,? Judging by the col? re of
PR? President Le Drian comes to learn that waterways were the subject of a proc? hard for changes in status, including the cons? frequency would be the destruction of the channels.
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Search bore lost

Travel po? tick in the Norman country,? Quillebeuf, Caudebec-en-Caux? in the footsteps of the tidal bore.
This wave d? ferlante and bruised? re, dating the Seine sometimes so far? Rouen, disappeared in 1963.
with am? management of the estuary.
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The canal Seine-Nord and A 24 more or less accept? s

The Arrageois is concerned? by both structuring projects that are the canal Seine-Nord and the A24 motorway. Their justifications, and their
impacts on the environment does not place them? a level? gal in the heart of the people.
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canal saint Quentin

Because of the lack of staff subdivision Saint Quentin in the service of the seine is must? complete? starting 19 f? February utilization during the weekends of Riqueval and Tronquoy tunnels.
The solution is simple-permit? Skip free recreational harbour master's Office
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The France modernizes its rivers to no longer navigate? view

The France wants to boost its river transport. In pr discussions? preparatory to the Grenelle of the environment, public authorities have announced? they were hooked? tre a quarter this traffic in here? five years and the double here? ten years.
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River transport modernizes d? weighed down the information and communications technologies

Afin d'accroître de façon significative la sécurité, l'efficacité et la compétitivité des transports par voie navigable, l'Union européenne encourage le déploiement des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC).
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Seine-Nord is faster than the A24

Faster than Highway channel? For the pure speed of goods transport? es not... but for the? technical steps before the launch of the site, no doubt. In the match between the water and bitumen, the pr? f? d Conference? policymakers seems d? now go to the first? re option.
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A boat sank in the? cluse

S. envoy? by Michel Chartrettes Marina.
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Oise dams? the time of the great template

OISE is about to turn a page. Within the next three years, seven dams that allow? the rivi? re of? tre waterway between Compi? gne and its confluence with the river Seine-? Conflans (Yvelines)-
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BANGLADESH: The? fluvial erosion disrupts the? economy

A river that was? more than 50 m? tres of the? cole prior to the annual floods of the past? re monsoon flows today against the basement of the? building. ? It is tr? s risk? to class b? building?, a explained? Nasirul Islam, the principal. 
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Journ? e of heritage

On September 15 and 16 to d? held everywhere in France the? Journ? es heritage?, a? v? more and more popular event in which the House of tourism of Arques participates since several ann? es. For this? Edition 2007, pr association? sid? by Jean-Jacques KUDLINSKI will be? the honour former shops arquois through an exhibition but walks how? in the city centre
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Resumption of cleaning on the Charleroi-Brussels canal

ENVIRONMENT dim 26 ao? t
The op? cleaning operations suspended Saturday resumed this morning on the Charleroi-Brussels canal.
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The d? covered of the week:

A ship of the I or II? me if? key lying in the HR? only? 10 m? very in depth: it's the d? covered made this week? Arles. The ship of about 30 m? very long, remarkably conserv?, a? chapp? miracle in the h? p rail? niches amarr? just above him. For now, the boat remains under water, co? its remont t? e? both source? more than 1, 5 million euros. The pr? sence of this pr boat? s of the docks of the HR? confirms the hypothesis? is that Arles housed within a shipyard.

Change climate acc? l? re the? fluvial erosion in Sib? series

In the ann? e polar international, numerous research studies focus on the p? the and the impact of climate change on these cold areas more vulnerable? vulnerable. R? recent research ax? on the r? regions o? the soil is gel? permanently (perg? permafrost) as in Sib? rie d? show they are ripped into climate change and the increase in the temp? temperatures in these r? regions.
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Syst? me hydraulics? am? improve

Floods are contained by a? cluse and four channels. A book g? nial, but its dimension is r? v? too low
between Lake Biel and Neuch? such
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P? lerinage g? ant on the Seine

Last night? the tomb? e of the night, more than 5,000 p? centure, of all the? GHG and all the nationality? s, have d? thread? the length of the Quays of the Seine, behind? re the great statue of the Virgin port money? e by the Knights of Saint-S? pulcre.
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Intemp? Germany ries: a noy?, traffic River paralys?

A German of 61 years died noy? in his cellar inond? e due to torrential rains? Arnsberg (Western) while, in the southwest of the country, the navigation on the Rhine a? t? paralys? e, has announced? Friday the local police.
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Torrential rain in Switzerland alert

Authorities? s Swiss have placed? Thursday the country in? State of alert because of torrential rains. In some r? regions, rain tomb? in 24 hours correspond almost? a dixi? me of total annual PR? precipitation.
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ESP? it disappeared: the dauphin of China a shot? her r? v? Conference

He could have become an embl animal? routine from China, appear on the next J - O flags. Instead, China dolphin, or Baiji, was born? s. victim of industrialization, and in the any? reference g? n? rale.
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the r? warming climate acc? l? re the? fluvial erosion

In Sib? rie, the banks of the Lena river forth more and more during floods of d? b? key printani? re, mena? ant the
urban and industrial facilities. The? the is? rodent 27 m? tres per year on average, making p? rilleuse the
River Navigation (the main transport axis).
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In the room which can accommodate 80 guests, couples, but also groups, d? gustent semi-cooked foie gras. It has the Saint-Sauveur, formerly top instead of the inland waterway port. At the arri? re, in the
kitchen, the two heads activate on confits, red mullet, duck aiguillettes?
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A report by the BBC on r? resistance del' Scheldt flood

The cha? British BBC did flips? in Belgium a report devoted? r? resistance of the Scheldt to the
flooding, in order to d? determine how the River was good for powerful showers, while elsewhere in
the country the rivi? res out of their bed.
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Wallonia, the North and the Aisne at the bedside of the canalis Sambre? e

The participants? r? union held Tuesday on the Eureka, of Jeumont? Maubeuge.
Report of? tape Tuesday,? Maubeuge on the Eureka boat in the reconstruction of the pontcysyllte aqueduct Vadencourt folder, in the Aisne
and beyond?, to r? the esp? r? the Sambre in the fluvial tourism.
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Avignon, étape-phare du tourisme fluvial

La navigation fluviale draine plus de 50 000 personnes par an
Le tourisme fluvial en France progresse chaque année, retrouvant ainsi son niveau d'avant le 11 septembre 2001. Et Avignon n'échappe pas à la tendance.
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To keep its position as European leader? in in mati? re of maritime traffic and r? lay? a steady increase of? changes, the port of Rotterdam is a choice to expand. But it will not forget the impact? ecological, respect for diversity bio? and quality? of life.
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A new railway bridge over the canal of area

In the doubling of track RRIF? e between B? thune and Don Sainghin, R? network RRIF? France (RFF) proc? this Monday, July 2
? the establishment of a new rail bridge also area channel at the level of Auchy-les-Mines.
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M? tro River for the Val-de-Marne

Of Austerlitz? Maisons-Alfort in 40 minutes by river. D? s mid-2008, it will be possible gr? this? the cr? ation of a
Shuttle part is the Seine and the Marne.
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Bordeaux F? te River

For the 5? me? Edition of BORDEAUX (f)?TE the River, all the? picuriens and boats fans are asked? s? d? cover water stops
and festive on both banks of the Garonne.
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The rumour of tsunami making waves on the river Seine

. Des péniches ont été évacuées, samedi soir, suite à une prétendue alerte à une vague
de 2 mètres consécutive à la rupture d'un barrage.
. Récit d'une psychose.
Amélie GAUTIER - le 19/06/2007 - 15h32
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The r? Walloon fluvial network accessible to 2000 tons in 2020

River transport has increased? of
800,000 tonnes in 2006 in Wallonia,
to reach a total of 44.5
million tonnes.
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Lyon-Confluence: extraction? first? res waters? the boating place

The future boating place in the neighbourhood of
the Confluence? Lyon has crossed a
new? tape Monday. The Mayor of the
City a r? cup? r? the? first? res waters?
the great basin autour which is
to organize the life of the site that is? the
both aquatic, green and attractive. Focus!
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The canal starts? the pleasure

07/06/2007 - Francis Dudzinski - © Le Point
Il est connu sous l'appellation de canal de Roubaix - bien que celui-ci n'en constitue
qu'un simple tronçon - et irrigue le coeur de la métropole lilloise. En pleine
métamorphose, ce canal accueillera bientôt ses premiers bateaux de plaisance. Il y a
cinq ans, une telle perspective paraissait inimaginable.
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The fate of the houseboats in the hands of mayors

A few days of the date stop fixing the fate of the houseboats
install? s on the edge of streams, the boatmen of the Marne and the Seine
crossing fingers.
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Mat manufacturers? materials support the journ? e environment

On the journ? e global environment, dozens of boats for river transport of goods and mat? materials circulate Tuesday on the Seine River, displaying banners d? delivering the message?On the river Seine, I carry own?
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Nantes estuary 2007. 2009. 2011

Saturday, September 1, 2007, the m? metropolis Nantes Saint-Nazaire is the sc? of a contemporary art biennial. With installations by artists p? rennes or? ph? m?, cr?ES in situ, visible by the water and shoreline...
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Boat hits a? cluse: 22 bless? s

YAHOO.COM | 26.05.2007 | 16: 34

A boat of croisi? re on the Rhine a smooth? a? cluse. Twenty-two British tourists were? t? l? g? especially bless? s.

A boat of croisi? re carrying tourists on the Rhine a smooth? Saturday, May 26 a? cluse? height of Rhinau (Bas-Rhin), making 22 bless? s l? gers, all British, was learned aupr? s of firefighters. The Bella Riva, a boat of English origin, was conducting a croisi? re to Mulhouse. According to the river Rhine, the 22 bless company? s,? vacu? s to the h? S hospitals? lestat and Hautepierre? Strasbourg, mainly suffering from bruises and shock.
The accident occurred around 9: 30 a.m. when the ship carrying 174 passengers and 34 members of? crew, a smooth? the door upstream small Airlock of the? Gerstheim cluse, situ? e not far from Rhinau. Firefighters have pr? cis? that there was no water in the hull of the ship.
The bless? s, which at least one suffers a fracture have? t? quickly supported by rescuers, while several buses 50? vacuaient the rest of the passengers late morning? e.
Members of? crew for their part are all unharmed, according to firefighters.

Alert? hydrocarbons on the HR pollution? no

Publi? Friday, may 25, 2007? 05: 06 Source the Provence.com

A sheet of hydrocarbon has? pulling on several kilometre? tres? the surface of HR? did sem? a bel? me yesterday morning. This is d? purpose of journ? e, low apr? s 6, that the alert? the pollution? t? Donn? e. It is a push staff? a used boat? do? evolve p? niches? who's data? the alert. The iris plate? e? led? e? 50 m? to? drawing on 4? 8 km, according to the pr? involved of Vaucluse, a? t? Overview? EU at the level of the dam of Caderousse. The proc? dure to alert a right? t? t? Activ? e by employees? s installation g? r? e by the national company of the HR? does.

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Strengthening inland waterway transport: forward gr? this? the coop? ration paneurop? EU

Most of the transport of goods are carried out by rail and by road. However, in view of environmental pressures and financial? res growing, attention turns? new to river transport.
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This that is practical? completely change the HR Plan? not here

This that is practical? completely change the HR Plan? not here

Publi? Thursday, March 22, 2007? 05: 05 PM

It has? t? sign? officially yesterday apr? s-midi? Lyon on the basis of EUR 614 million
The signing of the plan-HR? not occurred? Lyon.

The signing of the plan-HR? not occurred? Lyon.

  ? CNR
Under the ors of the R? public, namely the Pr? Rh involved? do? Lyon, the endless succession of speech gave? the extent of the? v? event yesterday: never in effect, and m? me Napol? on III which dammed the HR? do did not fact, it was envisaged? the management of a river from its source until? its mouth, and thus on its two banks. He is yet well?, the? v? event, in the Marshall Plan of 614 million to (there are m? me 800? term), who will? be invested on the River, by five r? regions (read here), the Compagnie Nationale of the HR? does (CNR) and especially the State.

The figures give the whirling disease, except? to say that, in some cases, the construction of a dam can co? ter so far? one million euros of the kilometre? tre. The HR Plan? do sign? yesterday did not devote all,? the pr? prevention of floods, but this component co? tera 182 million, only between Beaucaire and the sea. Arles and his country do the lion's share, which is suffering through? es d? December 2003. Here, the HR Plan? will change things. What practical? consent?
(1) The s? security?
The new bad announced? e yesterday, is that work will not tomorrow begin. The good news is that the State has developed imm? immediately 18 million euros on the table for the ann? e 2007, in this plan that will be? extend over five years. Rest? speedily the? studies pr? pre: most are underway despite? a diff? rent between the Symadrem (Union of am? the dikes of the HR management? does and the sea),? r? region Languedoc. But priority?, will be na? tre, here, the North dike, Tembec and the early work of the docks of the HR? does. This is an advanced? historic e for the people who participated?, also,? This plan. Putting on the table EUR 77 million, is the most important participation of the r? regions, we have taken into account, their suffering and their d? live, finally, with the River emphasised sir? Michel Vauzelle.

(2) Tourism
This is the m? me principle. And always the amounts? standards to support: 95 million (the? equivalent of an ann? e budget of Arles) will be invested. City b? n? fatally protections afforded the retomb? m? me if direct investment are not yet, in the program: the port of pleasure now in project, is still retained in the folder. But? may come.

(3) The? economy
It is the philosophy of the Plan-HR? not: is prot? ger, but also, to make the river no longer only a threat, but a source of wealth. O? a river transport in the folder pane, which represented? feel 218 million of. And Arles l?-inside? The CNR y pr? sees investments considered? considerable - river port and dock towpath, but in a logic of d? development, aid will also be the d? development of river traffic in g? n? ral. A boon to the port and p? the logistics of Saint Martin de Crau.

(4) The pr? prevention
It is a little palpable branch, except in p? flood period: under the Plan, the CNR is cr? er data bank? topographic and hydraulic. ? a para? t any b? te, but you will know how prot? ger? fairly throughout the world.

Article in:
http://www. Provence.com

River tourism North pas de Calais

3 ports of pleasure, 12 boats and a flotilla of boats on top of quality? r? regional Calais
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PanAm?, the g Channel? s

Panam canal? starts this ann? e of gigantic work of? expanded to accommodate d? s monsters of 300 m 2015? very long and make them cross the 26 m? d very? nivel? between the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Guess. It has matching? continents, facilities? the communication between the? very. He could have? tre human of the ann? e 2006. N? in a p France? re illustrates, it is the second in an exceptional family with a? n? a chang? the fate of Egypt. The Am? us is there are not tromp? s and tr? s quickly supported the formation of the cadet, ensuring up to 1999? his d? development. Today? 92 years, it has not taken a ride and smooth crossed the subtle border? re which s? barrier l? the myth legend. The man in question is the Panam canal? and the Panam? ens have vote? in 2006 in their almost-all? (80% of the votes expressed? s) to its? enlargement. It was not to say yes? a few shots of shovel on the sides of the bed of a snake of 80 kilometre? very, but give the kick-off? 5 billion of work.

The book consists of a fourth? me game of? cluses install? in the two extr? mit? s of the canal. A Panam? Ciudad, on the shores of the Pacific, and? Colon, on the shores of the Atlantic. Channel account d? j? three sets of? locks for each week? a hundred boats to cross the 26 m? d tres? nivel? between the two oc? years; Why was it to build a fourth? me?

Because the canal, its STN victim? s, must d? now ensure the passage of the post-Panamax vessels so long and wide that they cannot borrow it. The? locks of the canal, inaugur? in 1914, allow the passage of said vessel Panamax 294,1 m long? tres, 32.3 m in width? very that can carry a maximum of 4,500 containers and fr? slow often the edge of? cluses. The post-Panamax, as? they are 366 m? very long, 49 m? very wide and transport until? 12 000 containers.

Work begins this ann? e. first d? fi: d? place 130 million m? very cubic of Earth surface and in dredging of 40 million. If this goes well, in 2010, when the work the most p? will nibles, 7,000 people active day and night on the shipyards to build rooms of? 427 m cluses? very long and 55 m? very large n? necessary for new sea monsters. End of the pr work? in 2013, and use of the giant? cluses in 2015. Each set of? locks will be accompanied? three pools of r? water use. Food? s by conquers?, they will allow r? use 60% of the water during each transit. News? cluses therefore consume 7% less water than the current.

Comparison to d? if 20th goal? cle, Am? U.S. which had resumed excavations started? s by Ferdinand de Lesseps employed 55 000 workers. Were exploded 30 million kilos of dynamite to open Corte Culebra (13.7 kms? very straight line). In other words, 200 000 kilos of dynamite per week in 100 m wells? very in depth. It was r? reduce the cordill? re Central across the country, 95 m? tres? 26 m? very above sea level. Titanic. Today, it is? only? of? expand the channel, that the Am? U.S. had d? j? started? in 1939, prior to? tre stopp? s in their? lan by the second world war.

The history of Panam? overlaps with that of the canal, to the point that a? foreign asked, goguenard:?Panam canal? or the Panam? the Canal? To understand, is a small return to arri? re. Aur? ol? of its STN? s in the construction of the Suez canal, Ferdinand de Lesseps proposes, in 1879, to pierce the isthmus of Panam?, CR? ant 75 kilometre channel? very without? cluse and whose construction is last for twelve years and co? ter 600 million francs. The Panam? then part of the Colombia.

(D) work? began in 1881. But am isthmus? U.S. is through? by a cordill? re mountainous tr? s? lev? e. The Chinese workers and blacks in the Jama?, in addition to the Fran? ais, are franchise? s coming? end but 20 000 of them p? ripen, victims of the fi? yellow EVR or land. Creus? moiti?, the canal is d? j? a financial precipice. In 1887, he devoured 1400 million francs. Project fran? ais will never succeed and Ferdinand de Lesseps is? dyed, s? nile, in 1895. In 1904, Am? U.S. rach? tent the rights and properties? t? s of the canal at the Fran? ais for $ 40 million. The Panam? is ind? during one year gr? this to Am? U.S. but should their c? der canal in? foreign exchange of $ 10 million. It will be inaugur? 3 ao? t 1914. 15 Ao? t, the first boat crossed the isthmus. The SS Ancon between the Atlantic? 7: 30 a.m. and spring by the Pacific? 16: 30.

The last? re? cluse referm? e, it is the accounts: between 1880 and 1914, the drifting of the isthmus will have employees? 80 000 and 30 000 dead fran? ais and am? U.S.. Work co? will total 639 million. But the channel is a r? success and Am? make us, who administer it since 1904, it finally to the Panam? d 31 Mart? December 1999 apr? s have sign?, September 7, 1977, the Torrijos-Carter agreements? Washington.

TR? s fi? res their working tool, the? the Autoridad del canal de Panam teams? (ACP) g? rent with care. B? n? benefits are imm? belong: between 1913 and end of 1999, the Am? U.S. had to? at the Panam? ens as $ 1,878 billion. Between 2000 and 2005, the ACP has to? the 1,822 Government $ 1 billion. ?If only our politicians were also conscientiously the Affairs of the country that we of the canal?, sighs one of the employees? s of the? cluse of Miraflores.

153 662 dollars for pass!

And it is clear that not a m? tre of the territory of the canal did? chappe the r? rules of operation and s? security? 24 hours a day, the cam? ras monitor banks.

It is therefore quite serene as the direction of the r channel? pond? the in? hand question?:What if Ben Laden...? ?IND? regardless of a r? rules ultrastrict and s measures? security? I can't you r? v? ler, our best d? defence remains our neutralit?, says Coordinator architect of my? plan tre, Francisco Miguez. The channel is opened? everyone without discrimination and we b? n? ficions an excellent r? bucket of information between the major ports of the world.?

The figures speak for themselves-m? my. The canal was never? t? also s? r. 14 000 Passages in 2005, we have not? 12 accidents. And, for the time being, no bombing or attempted bombing. In the two extr? mit? s of the isthmus, dozens of ships are waiting to cross. Twenty-three have r? serv? their place, but a 24th may pass. Should he win the place which is updated with the ench? res every day? beginning with $ 25,000. Waiting time over the navigation channel is pass? 32.9 hours in 1999? 24.6 hours in 2005. A progr? s mark? considerable, because an immobilis boat? co? te, on average, 10,000 dollars an hour! The passage of time? cluse? three levels is an hour (three times twenty minutes) for a small cruise ship and an hour thirty for a large. What's more impressive to see the Panamax Ascend / descend 8 m? tres in eight minutes in the greatest silence. The doors of? cluses, which p? feels each 600 tonnes, open and close in two minutes. On the edges of? cluses, we see the trace of the boats which are? corch? s. Boat hire engine, but several locomotives 55 tonnes maintain them in the middle of the? cluse gr? this? c? bles and the glance of machinists.

From time to time, in the heart of silence surrounding the passage of the steel monsters, refers to the sound of a loon. It is a sailor who fled poverty? a boat l? preux or the dictates of a r? totalitarian regime. A canal commission will rule on his fate. The show is sometimes more unexpected: when a submarine nucl? area am? American. The sky thunders h? licopt? res and the banks crawling armed men.

For VAC? der news? cluses post-Panamax, need r? server also. L? again, nothing will be pay? but on-site? advance, based on the weight of the boat. The price more than? lev? for a passage? t? pay? May 23, 1997 by the Rhapsody of the Sea, a vessel of croisi? re: 153 662 dollars. The price the least? lev? a? t? supervised? 14 ao? t 1928 by Richard Halliburton who had d? cid? to borrow the canal? swimming: 0.38 dollar. He weighed only 75 kilos.

Fort of the l? legend, the canal could not? escape? its modernization. Seven years ing? engineers and architects have? tudi? the co? t of the? enlargement and its cons? consequences. The Panam? Mart will not? r? settle the invoice, or face increases of imp? t. 5 Billion dollars of work will be pay? s by vessels will continue to use the canal. The construction of the fourth? me game of? cluses g? n? rera between 35,000 and 40,000 jobs including 6,000? 7 500 will directly be li? s work in the field. As to the GDP of the Panam?, it reaches, in 2025, $ 31.7 billion, twice and a half of the GDP in 2005 is an average annual growth rate of 5% during the next twenty ann? es.

Only issue on which the greatest international experts always wondered: should we say the Panam canal? or the Panam? the Canal?

Canal Seine - Nord Europe: opening of the investigations? te public

Of apr? s a news release? January 9, the Minister in charge of transport Dominique Perben has announced? the launch, January 15 of the investigations? te public li? e? r? achievement of the Seine-Nord Europe canal. It will concern 68 communes and to ach? vera on March 15. The d? cret of usefulness? public should? tre publi? end of 2007, prior to the launch of the work, pr? given for 2009. The implementation should take place in 2013.

This channel must link, at the level of Cambrai, the basin of the Seine and the Oise to the North of the France channels, enabling the ports of Paris, le Havre and Rouen an opening towards the r? fluvial network of Northern and Eastern Europe. The increase in expected of river navigation would of? avoid the circulation of 500,000 trucks per year in the northwest quarter of Europe.

The project will be r? alis? partnership public priv? (PPP), and is co? ter 3.17 billion euros, including the construction of the canal basins r? reservoirs, multi-modal platforms and wharves and? boating equipment.

Traffic: Still an ann? e record for Dunkirk

With 56.65 million tonnes relating? in 2006, Dunkirk signs a new traffic record for the fifth? me ann? cons e? Executive, with an increase in g? n? rale of 6%. Not less than 7060 stopovers have? t? registered?, beating the record of 1987 (7024 visits). Within this armada is found? SG Prosperty, a bulk carrier g? ant 312 m? very long and 50.56 m? very wide, the largest ever allowed coal terminal. The fourth? me port of France, leader on the import of ore, coal, copper and fruits in containers, pr? feel, in 2006, good r? results on its large sp? cialit? s. Thus, ores revealed an increase of 4%? 2005? 13.6 million tonnes. Coal d? password as? him first? re time in the history of Dunkirk, the cap of 10 million tonnes (+ 15%). Face? an ann? e 2005, hydrocarbons are, n? Nevertheless, down 7%,? 13.2 million tonnes. If small bulk increased by 3%? 2.7 million tonnes, the merchandise? establish a new record, increasing by 19% (14.6 million tons).

The maritime makes waves

The maritime makes waves

? The River will be a true r? the? play in the ann? es coming. It will help bring the ports of catchment areas and the Ile-de-France in the heart of Europe?.
November 2006: Geodis announces the repurchase of TNT Freight Management (TFM), sp? cialis? in the transport? nothing and maritime. The num? ro a fran? ais of logistics providers can d? now is regarded? rer as a player in world transportation commission, acting on the set of modes of transport. Become global offer n? required for pr? soft fly business flows.

All modes of transport? Non. It is one that does? was can? tre step tr? s visible or tr? foil s and which logistics providers have not yet really jet? their d? devoted: the River. Gold a few days apr? s announcement of the purchase of TFM, the Minister of transport, Dominique Perben, d? decided to permit the opening of the investigations? te public for the launch of the canal Seine North Europe connecting the Parisian basin North of Europe.

? This is not a simple pipe but a system? me transport which r? pond to the challenges of the next
d? decades?, d? clare Fran? ois Bordry, pr? France waterways (VNF) President. Economic
Since it is 35%? 50% less expensive than a transport by road, the River is? also? ecological
but also cr? er of jobs: 35 000? 40 00 jobs li? s? the activity? s logistics will be cr?s in relation to this channel by 2050, explain the promoters of the canal who look to the d? development of logistics platforms across areas? by the canal.

An apr? s launch of p? the of comp? tivit? Seine Normandy and Port 2000 at le Havre, this channel is part of a r? overall bending of the Organization of a system? me mail? any? transport equipment, ranging from the lower-Seine to the Calais. The marine was also adding? grain of salt by back bore of international flows in the national rivers: the Port of le Havre which had until l? n? glig? the river has finally re? u leave open a? cluse? great template (135 m x 15.5 m) in Port 2000.

Let us remember that container traffic is increased by 20? 40% for two years! The River will be a true r? the? play in the ann? es coming. It will help bring the ports of catchment areas and the Ile-de-France in the heart of Europe. And to trafficking? the road. ? The waterway is the only mode of transport that is not sat?, tip of the finger Fran? ois Gauthet, Director g? n? ral VNF, pr? specifying that there are 200 boats of 2 500 tonnes? build, including 50 barges d? s 2020.

A mesh of which the consideration is, however, the increase in the comp? competition between ports fran? ais and North European? Mart. A game in which the Harbour, first on the? range? North europ? en, indeed more?
win that? lose. A course condition? r that performance at Rendez-vous. 
@ R? Strat writing? gie logistics

The minist? re transportation r? form the boat permit

To provide boaters better training and an administrative simplification, a r? form of boat licence? t? hired? e by the minist? re transportation and will enter into application in September 2007. In this context, the? training establishments will be submitted? a proc? dure of agr? ment, that they rel? wind of commercial or associative sector. They will have a status legal fix? by the Act of January 5, 2006, trainers to? be holders of an authorization to teach d? ships? e by the administration, apr? s v? verification of their ability. ? This framework of the profession is accompanied by a r? vision of the contents of th training? and to am? improve behaviour in a situation of new drivers?, said the Department? re. R? form of boat licence has n? need? a year and a half of consultation between the State and the fluvial and maritime training professionals. ? M? title me that what has? t? r? alis? the Road area is finally appears? tre s awareness? security? the boating area. It is indeed the first? re time in France what is l? gif? re on this activity? and we tr? s satisfied. A formal training program will ensure d? now future boaters the acquisition of the comp? skills n? required to take any s? security?, of nautical leisure?, explains G? rard Acourt, pr? President of the Association ECFS, first? re organization fran? comfortable and European? European in? re of? education? the conduct and? the s? security? ? It r? permeated the confusion in the area of training boat licence, it became an urgent need to better organize?, adds Michel Lecomte, head of the activity? boat in the r? network ECFS. ? I am therefore tr? s favour? r? form that contains many strong points such as the Agr? ment of the Centres of training vessel, the computerization of the proc? administrative procedures, modernization of? evidence th? theoretical and d? l? delegation, to the Centres of training ship agr?s, from the? assessment and validation of the? practical evidence?

The new r? regulatory

In the new r? regulations, a licence is not required? to drive a boat propelling power is inf? Interior or? gale? 4.5 kW (6CV). The sea map and capacity certificate? (C)? are deleted? s, but the owner keeps the pr? prerogatives conf? r? by these titles. For training centres, r? form will require, as we have seen, an agr? ment of the training centre. It will be d? ships? by maritime affairs for the d? c departments? third party and the commission on monitoring of navigation for the d? departments int? senior. Any person providing courses must? tre d? clar? e, the arrangements? s training subject to a contract? written between the candidate and the? recovery. A booklet of learning, d? carving all the? stages of formation and assimilation will necessarily accompany any p? training period. The practical part will not? be valid? e Trainer as apr? s r? success? the? evidence th? theoretical organised? e by the administration. For their agr? ment, training centres should fulfil certain conditions, such as the pr? rooms of courses or in presence? character re? feature boats and water. A p? period of adaptation is pr? view for the? institutions can get in compliance? with the Act. D? s registration, the candidate will see her before file by the? in the administrative file recovery. It will then have a num? ro of identification, which will be repeated on its booklet of learning and facilitate the contr? the. A single document, the new permit, will serve as a support? all options and extensions. Document s? secure?, it will be? said? by the imprimerie nationale and envoy? directly to the laur?.

Am? on the banks of the Doubs River development

Click to zoom the image
Next spring, the community? of cobblestones? ration of Grand Besan? on d? begin the work of am? on the banks of the Doubs River development? Besan? on and? Deluz.

A Besan? it,? the location of the former industrial port, the project will consist of? am? swimming boating stop accommodating up? some 30 vessels of diff? pension sizes and permit the parking lot of a boat? passengers and a large boat (p? niche-h?, p? niche-shows,...).

Deluz, this is CR? er River stop on the canal of the HR? does to the Rhine for the docking of ships 30 (until? 15 m long).

These two stops will include the whole of? equipment n? required? their functioning (us water collection? es, drinking water distribution and? electricity?,? lighting, landscaping, etc).

The investigations? te public relative? r? achievement of a dock at the river port of Besan? it is d? 11 to 30 d roll? December 2006.
As for r? a docking basin achievement? Deluz is d? roll of 13 d? December to January 19, 2007.

A display in City Hall of Besan?, in municipality of Deluz and? the community? of cobblestones? ration of Grand Besan? on pr? specifies the arrangements? s of these investigations? your public and constitutes the display r? regulatory.

An open registry? This effect allows to collect your observations.
Click to zoom the image

A river line? containers between Burgundy and Seine-Maritime

A river line? containers between Burgundy and Seine-Maritime

The? read in the Chamber of commerce and industry (CCI) of Yonne have data? the green light? r? a fluvial port achievement? Gron, pr? s of meaning. This infrastructure vou? e to container traffic will be reli? e directly at the port of le Havre (Seine-Maritime) by the Seine and Yonne, one of its tributaries upstream from Paris. A first dock will be available in 2009. It will be financial? by the ICC of the Yonne, the State, the r? region Bourgogne, d? Department of the Yonne and the community? of Commons sense including d? pend Gron. The goal is to treat 1,000 containers per year initially, and until? 5 000? the 2013 horizon, with three piers.

ICC to to the ER and wants to take advantage of the mount? power e of traffic River li? the d? development of Port 2000 at le Havre with am? channel management? great template Seine-Nord? by 2012. The port of le Havre is d? j? reli? by river lines for the transport of containers with Rouen (Seine-Maritime), Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine), Nogent-sur-Seine (Aube) and Bonneuil (Val-de-Marne).

D? Department of Yonne, the river has increased? 10% the ann? e last? re. But with the port of Gron, all terms and conditions will be r? United for change of? scale. Development work? large template of the? cluse of Port-Fox which was the main bottleneck to? work? the entr? e of the d channel? Courlon diversion, pr? s of the confluence of the Yonne and the Seine, were? t? completed? s d? goal 2006. Extended? 10.50 m? tres, this book leaves d? now pass on this tributary of the Seine of large convoys of 000 tonnes carrying 66 containers against 400? 450 tonnes previously. 


@ R? writing the new plant

Resumption of resumption of traffic? Str? py-Thieu apr? s incident last online on 16-11-2006 16: 25

Traffic resumed, this apr? s-midi,? the funicular lift of Str? py-Thieu (Le Roeulx) on the Canal du Centre, o? an incident is? was product around 10: 40.

This morning, a door is referm? e a p? niche accoupl? e (two boats li? s) in one of the tanks. Suite? This, the tanks? were both? the arr? t, but apr? s? securing the right to work? new for 15 hours. The other will remain item? until? that doors be provided in place, in the coming days.

The exact causes of the incident are not yet known. It appears n? nevertheless that it is not d? a broken machine, but rather? t? an error yet not? lucid? e. An investigations? te is underway. In addition, there is not bless? s and not d? g? major ts, boat, or doors. Indeed, they are not tomb?, but d? pos? on p? niche.

The sum channel

Boating perturbed? e to 2008

High Sambre
A pontcysyllte aqueduct? Replace in France emp? che win Paris by the waterway.
The summer season 2006 announces d? s? PR? sent strong d? disappointing for River tourism on the high Sambre, between Charleroi and Erquelinnes (border? re fran? comfortable). En cause, an interruption of navigation on the Sambre canal? the Oise, in the Aisne (France). The itin? itinerary linking Wallonia? r? Paris region should? tre impractical for two years due to the replacement of a pontcysyllte aqueduct? Vaudencourt.
Click on the image to enlarge.


The Burgundy canal d? barrass? of algae

For the second? me ann? cons e? Executive, algae have invaded regarded? significantly the diversion bays of the canal of Burgundy. A hard blow to the fluvial tourism, the h? lists of pleasure boats easily hanging these algae making navigation difficult: in some bays it? was impossible? two boats cross.
Currently, a private company? e of the Vienna, working for the waterways of France, proc? of large bays with three boats cleaning. A faucardeur-collector boat? wheel? large capacity water? making m? me time mowing and pick-up, and two cutters to d? get rid these tons of algae canal.
This great op? cleaning ration was the reach of the? cluse 62 small Ouges, she d? goal? This week? Breteni? re and ends? Pont-de-Pagny? 1 reason? 2 km per day.
No doubt that boaters and the p? researchers will SUP? enjoy this work and will be happy to find each their pleasure on the canal of Burgundy.

River transport, a business? for the construction of the bypass of Cambrai

Last April 30 000 tonnes of mat? materials have? t? transport? s through water for r? achievement of compressible embankments n? required? the construction of the viaduct crossing the Saint Quentin canal.

The DDE North, arrondissement of Douai - Cambrai ensures the my? degree of implementation of the circumvention of Cambrai on behalf of the Department? re equipment, my? tre of book. R? realize compressible viaduct crossing the Saint Quentin canal embankments had to provide 30,000 tons of mat? materials from Saint Saulve.
Its privileges contacts? IM? s with the arrondissement of Douai - Cambrai, the head of the subdivision of waterways of France? Cambrai has pr? sent? in the my? tre of work the possibility? s that offers the channel to transport these mat? materials. These? l? elements have therefore? t? specified? s in the tender file and is the company? that the march? a? t? d? devoted made the choice of transport by water. The mat? backfill materials have therefore? t? prod? s p? niches of 300 tonnes since Saint Saulve on the Scheldt until Proville small template on the Saint Quentin canal. Seven p? niches have been 100 allers-retour that should have been 2400 with trucks and this in a sector? ecologically sensitive.
To ensure the r? this op success? ration, the subdivision of Cambrai a proc? d? some am? development: work of markup and clean-up of the channel, change in operating conditions to facilitate the transition to the? locks... The Saint Quentin canal has seen a doubling of navigation per day during the op? ration.

The exp? experience is r? successful. The use of the waterway has demonstrated? This means of transport is? economic by its capacity? tonnage,? ecological by its lower consumption in? energy and absences of? polluting missions, reliable by the s? ret? its routes and its ponctualit?

It now remains? make the mat? building of the chauss? e of the bypass. The waterway will be? new gestations? e? In any case it is pr? you? r? respond favourably? a new op? ration of this nature.

Marie-Rose Bonnefoi and Alain Lebek
Directorate r? VNF North regional? Pas de Calais

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Press review

By Luc compi port? gne


Blue Links is a work program for the navigation of the liaison channels restoration of? the? Scheldt, which includes the canalis mark? e, the Roubaix canal, r? region North of the France, and the canal of the Espierre in Hainaut and Western Flanders in Belgium. The r channel? be? will offer new possibility? d s? development of activity? s tourism and recreation,? closely li? in a territory urban renewal? stretched.

This program r? novation of large scale, the work will be welfare? t completed? s, a? t? made possible by the participation and mobilization of Europe and diff? different body of? Belgian States and fran? ais. &amp;GT; read more 

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Article int? feel? not to be missed

Article VNF

Port 2000 and channel? great template

Maintenance of waterways

Issue? written to the Government

Maintenance of waterways navigable and non-navigable

Channel Neufoss?

The? cluse of Flanders's new look.
communique_? cluse_flandres.pdf

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